The right relationship
is everything
Assignments have
your cash flow
tied up?
Funding within
24 hours of verification.
Why wait?

We are here for you.

To all of our customers, I hope the announcement by the Department of Homeland Security that funeral directors and morticians are “critical infrastructure workers” and provide essential services gives you great confidence and pride in the work you do for our communities.  Thank you.  What you do is not trivial, it is not inconsequential, and it is not optional.  You bring immense value to the families you serve in this even more difficult of times.

To use the Department of Homeland Security’s vernacular, that is why it is “critical” that we push forward.  At Funeral Funding Center we want you to know that will continue to support and serve you in providing this essential work to our communities.  We will continue to be your partner in moving forward.  We are fully open for business and have increased our capacity to help you with any cash flow needs you may have in these tumultuous times.

For the past several years we have invested heavily in our technology to ensure there is no interruption in providing you the funds you count on, even in extreme circumstance such as this.  For the past week, our employees have been working remotely from home and we support a fully remote workforce without any reduction in capabilities.  As we have already been providing the industry-leading service you expect from FFC remotely since March 16th, we are fully prepared to continue to service your needs going forward and be in full compliance with the latest Government/State Executive Order to Shelter in Place/Close All Non-essential Businesses/Safe At Home/Etc. We would also emphasize we do not rely on any external funds or banking relationships for the money we provide.

We take seriously our social obligations to slow the spread and flatten the curve of COVID-19.  The health, safety, and wellbeing of our employees and our community is our primary focus and we will continue to follow the latest guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  We are confident we can do our part to combat the crisis we are facing while continuing to support your business and the critical services you provide.  Thank you for continuing to trust FFC with all your assignment funding needs.  Together we will overcome and recover.

Sincerely Yours,

Team FFC

FFC is fully open for business and have increased our capacity to serve your firm.Click here to learn more.